
our roots

For over twenty years, I’ve rescued exploited people. I’ve helped save 705 abused women from streets in communities that we all call home and provided safe refuge and therapeutic services for 258 young American girls and boys rescued from sex trafficking rings — children who had suffered depravity, violence and deprivation. When I found myself in a state of uncertainty, desperate to catch my own breath, unable to lift myself from my bed, I realized that it was now I who needed to be saved.

I had become a member of a “vulnerable” population. Yet, this population was new to me. Membership in this group made one more prone to morbid obesity, heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancers, gallbladder disease and gallstones, breathing problems, such as sleep apnea and asthma and early death. 

The pain I was experiencing from back issues, bulging discs and lumbar spinal stenosis, was almost unbearable. I sometimes needed assistance to get into or out of bed and could not walk without extreme distress in my back and legs. I required surgical back procedures and strong medications, like Epidural Steroid Injections and Radio Frequency Ablation-(RFA) “nerve burning” to manage my suffering. 

All of these maladies were due to obesity and stress. I had a body fat percentage of 47.7%. I was literally and figuratively carrying too much weight. The handwriting was clear and visible on the wall, and it said, "You need help.”  I recognized that in my state of debilitating health that I was in need of an intervention -- a rescue, if you will. 

So, I chose to rescue myself.

In January 2017, after watching “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 1 & 2,” I began a walking regimen; drinking at least 64-72 ounces of water a day; sleeping eight hours a night; and juicing daily with mostly green leafy vegetables and some fruits. 

Today, I think before I eat. I no longer eat without thinking first: a former practice of self-sabotage. This shift in my consciousness has allowed me to embrace a life of health awareness – of being kind to myself.  For five years, I have lovingly committed to consuming a plant-based diet. I’m alive with an unparalleled quality of health because I rebuilt my body fueled by plants.

And that’s how a Body of Plants was born.

Body of Plants promotes health and wellness and introduces consumers to the nutritional benefits and deliciousness of organic cold-pressed plant-based juices. The best thing about Body of Plants juices is that they’re so good and refreshing, and that anyone can enjoy them and fuel their body at the same time.

I’m sharing my success with you with the great hope of inspiring you to try Body of Plants and see just how good taking care of yourself can taste and feel.

Inspiring change through a body of plants,

Lisa Williams
Founder of Body of Plants